Saturday, May 17, 2008

Feed & Grain Prices Out of Control!

Despite your feelings on the reasons for the huge increases in global prices of grains and feed (from $200 per ton up to $500 per ton), the fact is that the pressure is on. Even if we immediately back off the support of ethanol and other bio-fuels that many believe has caused these price increases and shortages, we still must address today's needs. Organic Valley has recently attempted to stabilize prices for their milk and egg suppliers by reaching out to organic grain producers and inviting them to join the cooperative ranks. The hope and desire is that buyers and sellers involved in a cooperative agreement will be more apt to settle on fair prices that respect the symbiotic relationship inherent in agriculture.

Visionary Values reminds consumers that no decision is made in a vacuum and that we all must take responsibility for our personal and collective actions.

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