Friday, July 25, 2008

The Six Sins of Greenwashing

TerraChoice, a Canadian environmental marketing agency, has devised a guide for consumers  designed to inform them of important issues to consider when wading through the innumerable green claims currently being used by companies to sell their products. They call it:

"The Six Sins of Greenwashing"
  1. The Hidden Trade-off
  2. No Proof
  3. Vagueness
  4. Irrelevance
  5. Fibbing
  6. The Lesser of Two Evils
Assembled in 1995 as part of the Canadian Federal Government's effort to combat greenwashing, TerraChoice examines the full life cycle of products and the accompanying science of environmental claims. Products that pass the review can then receive Canada's official environmental certification mark, the EcoLogo. TerraChoice is currently completing a 20-year study of green marketing claims. They discovered that greenwashing is more prevalent when public interest in environmental issues is greater, and that there has been a gradual increase in claims over time.

Learn more about them at
Read more on their blog at

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